Monday, October 10, 2011

What is information security?

Information security is the process of keeping the entire data related to any workplace safe and secure from the reach of some unauthorized people or users, for example hackers.
As you must know, the information related to any of the place is of high value and shall not be vulnerable to others as it could be taken out and used for false reasons, the security of information must be the first concern.
In the same context, it must be ensured that the data and the information is not at all and visible and disclosed to anyone.
information security, on the other hand can also be well defined as a method of safeguarding the information along with the information system which is majorly concerned with process, output, input and feedback from a particular environment.
It is the integrity, one of the most important things that must be taken in to the account when each and every system is being taken in to the account. The information system must be such attribute that it is reliable for people and users and hence can easily be utilized by the workers.
The information that is fed on the system must be easily be able to be accessed, readable, memorized, audible and printable and hence must be of electronic nature. The information being stored must be protected Social engineering certification in such a way that it is not at all accessible to others and at the same time there is some sort of confidentiality among the information systems and their security.
Nowadays, the concept of information system along with the new concept of information security has really caught with firms and organizations in the information technology sector.
As most of the business units wants their various electronic information like data on recruitments, new ventures, new product development, new projects and much more and much more safe, so that it’s not copied and that’s where the scope of information security comes in the picture.
People of today’s world are fast adopting the method and also getting aware of all the technicalities involved. Youngsters are also choosing the method too as a career option to make a sparkling career so that it is useful for them and the organizations they join later on.
Nevertheless, from the functional perspective, information security may at times be quite a risky prospect for an organization as the uncertainty about the happening of something bad can also occur. However, with the help of some tools as they have been developed, the problems could be tackled with ease.
Many businesses are mainly based on the information stored on computers. Various information like personal staff details, client details, salaries, marketing and sales information, bank account details are basically stored over a database.
Without these above mentioned information, it would become very hard for the organization to operate. Thus, in order to let everything connected Ctp certification it becomes crucial that an information security system be implemented to safeguard all information as mentioned above.
On the other front, nowadays, there are a set of people or rather professionals who make a living out of hacking or in other simpler words, breaking the security systems of the target and taking out all relevant information in a flash.
Firewalls, which are designed to protect the information stored on the database of an organization could be easily bypassed by a hacker if they are a having a combination of right hardware.
The process of hacking could easily incur huge losses for a company concerned as all vital information could be lost in no time. Even virus could be introduced in the database and all information could be erased.
A computer hacker could easily break the security system of a company even if the firewall is shut down even for as less duration of 30 seconds or 1 minute.  That’s where the concept of information security comes handy to keep at bay all such nuisances.
The information security system is a cost-effective method to keep everything related to the security about the vital information related to various sub fields of the company intact.
More and more companies worldwide are opening up to information security system module to keep information in the pink of health.  

Value of information security

In order to fully understand the value of information security, it becomes important to first understand what information security is all about.
Information security is the process of safeguarding various data related to various departments of a company like salary and payrolls, new projects, sales etc. 
It is very crucial that vital information of the company is ensured to be protected as losing it would not only mean the loss of real estate Social engineering certification but also company’s vital aspects that could have taken it to the path of growth.
The value of information
Let’s understand the value of information by examining some typical information held by both businesses and individuals. At the very least, businesses will hold sensitive data on their salary related information, employees, financial results and future business related plans and projects.
Even vital information like trade secrets, research and other information that gives them a competitive edge could also be stored on the database of the companies.
Persons usually hold sensitive personal information on their home computers and typically perform online functions such as banking, shopping and social networking; sharing their sensitive information Ctp certification,  with others over the internet.

As more and more of this information is stored and processed electronically and transmitted across company networks or the internet, the risk of unauthorized access increases and we are presented with growing challenges of how best to protect it.

Protecting information

When you leave the home in the morning, you never fail to check if you have taken the key, locked all the doors, and switched off all the lights and many more things. The same principal has to be applied to information- the steps to be taken must be good to safeguard it against all odds.

If information falls on the wrong hand, it could be a serious issue. Actually, it can absolutely wreck life, bring down businesses, could be used to commit harm or losses of various descriptions and most importantly put the possibility of a successful future for the company concerned.

So, nowadays, ensuring that all information of all types related to a company is protected at all costs is both a legal and business requirement. In addition, taking steps to protect your own information is completely a matter of privacy retention and would also surely help prevent any kind of identity theft.
Information breaches

Information breaches is said to have occurred when information is not sufficiently protected and could be used for illegal procedures resulting in loss for the first party.

The consequences of information breaches could be colossal. For business entities, a breach of information usually entails huge financial losses and penalties, extravagant law suits, loss of reputation and of course the loss of the image for the company concerned.

In the early days of internet based viruses and worms were the most basic nuisances or problems that could scare the hell out of people using internet on their computers.

However, those days are gone as now more advanced criminals have focused their attention towards the crime that could be easily done over the internet as it has the minimal chance to be caught and land in a soup.

Even businesses that have been victimized by the hackers and breach of their information security system ought not to get this leaked out of their premises fearing negative publicity and a question over their capabilities to run a company successfully.

And that’s where the value of information security system comes as it is a very safeguard method to keep even the most vital information intact. In order to excel In today’s fast-paced and competition stricken corporate world, the need of the hour is a strong information security system.

Benefits of information technology system

As it is clear now that information security plays a very crucial role in protecting the information from different types of disclosure. Therefore, it can easily be said that it has got several benefits which can be seen upon to get encouraged and use the system vehemently.

One of the most basic yet major benefits of the information security technology is that it can take steps to defend different types of data leakage and misappropriation and increase the viability of the information. Other outstanding benefit of the information security system is that it can truly increase the confidentiality of the document overall.

Thus, with the above viewpoints related to information security technology system, its value can well be ascertained now.   

Social Engineering

Social engineering is relatively new term which is related to information security. It describes a non-technical kind of imposition that rests basically on human interaction and most frequently often involves tricking other people to break normal information security procedures.
A social engineer runs what is called con game to correctly install the system. Social engineer is a component of many, if not for most types of exploits. Virus writers use social engineering techniques to influence to run malware laced email attachments and however phishers use social engineering to convince   people to divulge sensitive information and scare ware vendors use social engineering to scare people into running software that’s useless at best and dangerous at worst.
Social engineering also relies on people’s inability to keep up with a certain culture which rests heavily on information technology. Social engineers also rely on the fact that people are really aware of the value of any kind of information they possess and Network Security Courses are careless about protection aspect of it.
Rest assured, social engineers will continue to remain the greatest threat to any kind of security system. Prevention may include making people aware about the value of information and a training module must be developed to train them to protect it and Security Awareness Course
It must be also taken care that people’s awareness about the value of data is taught to them and also teaching them how social engineers work to steal their data shall also be the next agenda.

Significance of information security

The usage of internet and computers is increasing day by day. As a result, various types of information are also being vulnerable to the case of information breaches. Due to this impending factor, the viability of Information Security Certification has increased like anything.
In the same context, let’s see some of the features of information security which has increased its feasibility to be used overwhelmingly these days.
Information security provide better protection for assets by
Ø  Helping employees understand and respond in a good way to real and potential security concerns
Ø  Giving fresh, updated information to keep the employees informed about new risks and what needs to be done about them
Ø  Making employees aware about the importance of data stores on their devices like mobile devices, computers, and others that they are valuable and vulnerable too
Ø  Reducing the number and extent of information security breaches. The sooner a problem regarding information breach is found, it must be sorted out soon
Ø  Reducing system’s expenditure’s cost by allowing control measures to be designed into systems instead of adding them to already installed systems
Ø  By providing savings through coordination and measurement of all security awareness, training, and educational activities while reducing copying of efforts
Ø  Showing a concern to the customers that the company cares about protecting their information
As we all know that information security plays a vital role in protecting the most vital data from types of disclosure. So, information security has got various benefits that can encourage a potential user or a company use Penetration Testing with BackTrack or information security system.
The most important and the vital advantage of information security is that it takes simple steps to prevent loss of information and increase the feasibility of information. Other key benefit of the information security system is that it can also increase the confidentiality of the document.
In other words, information security is a complete package to protect any kind of data to safeguard the future of the source. Anyone who recognizes and understands the viability of information security system OSCE Course is said to have secured his/her future prospects for anything.

Social Engineering- An Inside Perspective

Social engineering is a process that describes a non-technical kind of intrusion which depends majorly on human reflexes (interactions) and most frequently involves tricking other people to break normal security procedures so check Information Security Certification.
Let’s see an example to understand it. A person using social engineering to break into a computer network might try to gain the confidence of an inside authorized person of the network and then get them to reveal information that may comprise of network’s security and other security such as Penetration Testing with BackTrack.
Social engineers basically rely on the natural nature of helplessness of people and on their weaknesses as well and OSCE Course also is other factor.
Social engineering is a component of many, if not maximum, type of exploits. Virus writers use numerous social engineering techniques to force people to use and malware-laced email attachments.
Phishers use social engineering mode to make people convinced to disclose high-profile and sensitive information scareware vendors use social engineering to frighten people into using software that is of no use and dangerous at the same time.